Formerly Thin, Now Fat

From two years ago . . . January 2012

Angela Theresa: Renaissance Woman

Some did recently comment that the article I re-printed about Mermaids or Whale insults thin women.

I need to tell you, I have been both — I was a very, very thin child, teen and young adult and became overweight in my mid-30s and obese by my 40s. Yes, when I was skinny “as a rail” or “anorexic” [even when I wasn’t officially anorexic — ages 18-21], or called “skeletal“. I have suffered much, much more discrimination, verbal bullying and stupid comments as a fat/obese person.

Thus, sorry, my skinny friends — when heavier people assume you don’t eat; yes, I know many of you eat (sometimes like a horse) — and you just don’t gain weight; you don’t like to hear it. Nevertheless, you don’t have to leave clothing stores because they “don’t go up that high

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Visions: The Case of Soulmates — Do We Have Just One?

The question of soulmates has come up again, thus, it is time to reblog! Enjoy!

Angela Theresa: Renaissance Woman

Book_TwinFlames001The answer unequivocally is “No! There is not just one!”

A couple of weeks ago, on Facebook, one of my favorite pages:Psychics Universe( posed the question: Do you believe in Soul Mates?

At the time I made my opinion known, “Yes, and that we have many of them . . . not just one. They can be friends, relatives or lovers.”

Reading all the answers saying yes or those who felt sad as they are, i.e. “still looking” and/or “hoping to find” their one and only soulmate; I had to speak on this.

My answer is correct, my beloved friends:

We have more than one soulmate! We have dozens, even hundreds — in one lifetime. It also helped me to understand why so many of my clients, through the years, continue to suffer from depression, anxiety and anger…

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