Visions: The Case of Soulmates — Do We Have Just One?

Book_TwinFlames001The answer unequivocally is “No! There is not just one!”

A couple of weeks ago, on Facebook, one of my favorite pages: Psychics Universe ( posed the question: Do you believe in Soul Mates?

At the time I made my opinion known, “Yes, and that we have many of them . . . not just one. They can be friends, relatives or lovers.”

Reading all the answers saying yes or those who felt sad as they are, i.e. “still looking” and/or “hoping to find” their one and only soulmate; I had to speak on this.

My answer is correct, my beloved friends:

We have more than one soulmate! We have dozens, even hundreds — in one lifetime. It also helped me to understand why so many of my clients, through the years, continue to suffer from depression, anxiety and anger. In the answers on FB, responses included those speaking of having lost their soulmate — to death, marrying another person, etc.

Well, of course, they’re depressed! They put all their eggs into one basket.

In the case of lovers who married another person . . . Why give all your soul, unconditional and beautiful love to a jerk? Why blame the Universe for giving you a soulmate, whom you chose — and then blame the Universe for taking him or her away? You enjoy living in misery? Does it prove you really loved that person . . . er, well, jerk, who broke your heart? You think if you suffer enough he will come back and say sorry? Let me remind you of two things;

1   He’s the jerk and/or she’s the bitchand that person does NOT deserve your tears or your time.

2   It is his or her loss! YOU ARE AWESOME!

The only one who pays for your sorrow and pain, really is  you for 1) believing we have only one soulmate, and 2) believing you only get one chance at love. Of course, if your love passed away, in time, you can and will heal and see him or her again one day. It doesn’t mean you have spend the rest of your life mourning the death. In fact, their soul is with you all the time and has no jealously. A truly good partner who loves you wants you to be happywhile here on this planet.

If you believe in reincarnation – then, you know, we’ve had many, many lifetimes! Trust me, I know. Most of us incarnated today have had upward of 35 lifetimes on this planet. Which means, no, these so-called soulmates have NOT been in every single one of our lifetimes!

And secondly, no, we do NOT have to live karma from past lives! Once we become aware of our transgressions, we can release a past life debt. Besides, we pretty much made up for it by being born into a human body again. This is hard! We are the bravest souls and we should all thank ourselves for choosing such a difficult mission – to be born again and entrap our blessed soul into these flawed bodies or ours.

Considering we did come here, on contract . . . you didn’t know?


Book_TwinFlames003Yep, when we souls of light (if you are seeking light, you are a truly a good soul. Evil souls do NOT seek enlightenment.); us, of the light, choose to come here.

When we are still in soul form, we get together with our committee, up there. The Spirit Guide (only one for this job) who has agreed to be with us throughout this earthly life [while he or she (the Spirit Guide) remains on the Other Side to guide us. They guide via inspiration, intercepting and making sure, as much as he or she can, that we keep up our contract]. Your committee also included many of your soulmates, yes, many of those who have been part of our previous lives and have yet to be incarnated. At that point, some soulmates may have already incarnated, i.e. our parent or parents, older siblings, etc.

Committees, according to my Spirit Guide, Michael; he tells me, can also consist of Archangels and various other angels, Great Teachers and/or people you admired (i.e. Abraham Lincoln, Beethoven and other greats who have chosen to stay on the Other Side) . . . depending on you. You get the choice!

Now, this is where the Twin Flame comes in…He or she may already incarnated and you are trying to join him or her; depending on what you wish to accomplish in the upcoming life. Or, for most souls, our Twin Flame is right there, with us as we decide to incarnate.

The Twin Flame, for a majority of us incarnated, remains on the Other Side while we – born into these very dynamic, changing and unusual times – can contact him or her from here.

We are more connected via soul than we are if we are both incarnated. Why because, when enlightened (as we are on the Other Side), it is much easier to communicate and understand within our souls. If we are both flesh, well, the painful truth.

If your Twin Flame is incarnated and you actually meet, it will be the most intense, challenging, argumentative, hard, difficult relationship you’ll ever love and hate at the same time. Our Twin challenges us, especially if we are both incarnated. Our true Twin may even be so completely different from us, we have to fight to get together, let alone stay together!SoulMATE

Yes, we are strongly connected, yet the challenge is . . . will we, as a soul, be true to our path. Which is, if our Twin Flame is violent and we are peaceful: Will you stay with him or her? The right answer is “No! You will love them from a distance, as our true nature is love.” We do not forsake our physical safety or self-love for violence or other forms of disrespect.

Sure, it may not be violent. It may be he’s a Republican and you’re a Democrat, and both very active in your party. Can you come to a compromise? Can you agree to disagree? It is a test to your character, either way. And what you choose and the goal of every soul, really, is to practice 1) unconditional love for one another and 2) self-respect, self-love.

You can love someone and not be with them.

Soulmates, now that’s another story. They can come, as noted, in different forms and more than one. Some will arrive as a sister, or best friend, or parent, or lover, and another lover, or a child, etc. If you have a lover, and each and every one you have may be soulmates. It is just, sometimes; they come for a reason, some for a season and, some, yes, for a lifetime.

Nevertheless, if one decides to leave you, or die, or marry someone else … then, please, do not punish yourself for what they choose. Free will, remember. It’s not you, it is truly them. And yes, you can and will love again, if you CHOOSE too. The Universe, God the Angels or whomever can and will bring you another, better and great soulmate.

You are here, in the flesh to LIVE, to experience, to love yourself and to give out love to many, in different ways. Romantic love, anyways, you do know is CONDITIONAL love. If you truly love anyone “unconditionally” – then you want what is for their highest good; even if it means they are not with you.

Now, that is a true Twin Flame! The person who says to you and you to him or her – I love and adore you, yet, I know you must do what you need to do, even if it is without me. I am there, anyway, as our souls are always entwined with our twin. Whether he or she is incarnated, crossed over, 2,000 miles away, next door or sharing your life in some way.

Accolade_PAINTING--001Live in love with yourself. Holding yourself in pain only brings more pain. You do create your own reality. You cannot share what you don’t have. If you do not love yourself, then, there is no way you can love another.

Enjoy the fairy-tales, sure; live in the truth, though. Unrequited love only hurts you in the long run. This life is hard enough. The Universe does not want us to suffer. We are created in love and the Universe is unconditional love. The opposite of love is indifference, not hate. Hate has passion and the person who hates is thinking about you.

God, i.e. The Universe truly has only one emotion as it is energy (not a person). And that energy is only and unchangeable, it is Unconditional Love. We make the decision whether to live in that love or to writhe in misery. We do not need another to love or not love; it is the very soul of who we are . . . we are love. We are one race, too – Human.

To share this life and self-love with another is blessed and wonderful. We can share it with a romantic partner, a child, a parent, a friend, a pet, the human race . . . and if one of those we choose to share that love with leaves us and chooses not to be loving in return. We have every right and a birthright to be happy with another soulmate, or two, or more. We can also choose share our love with our children, our parents, friends, etc. A romantic love is not the end-all or be all. It is a choice, and it can be incredible. Yet, a romantic love, if one is truly enlightened, add to your wonderful life!

My wonderful soulmates – all of you – there’s more of us soulmates to love!